All tweets from the conference can be accessed HERE
يسر المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية أن يعلن عن توفير ترجمة لجميع التغريدات التي صدرت أثناء المؤتمر التأسيسي. اضعط هنا
The Arab Council for the Social Sciences is pleased to announce its inaugural conference, titled Arab Transformations: Interrogating the Social Sciences, to be held in Beirut, Lebanon on 19-20 March 2013. The conference will showcase papers and panels from on-going projects of the ACSS, including “The New Paradigms Factory,” “Inequality, Mobility and Development,” and “Producing the Public in the Arab Region.” In addition, a number of panels will feature papers selected through an open call addressing the following two themes:
Theme 1: New/Old Social Movements
The transformations witnessed by the Arab region since 2011 raise questions concerning the nature of the social movements that are transforming the region in a context of sharply increasing social inequalities and the retreat of the state from its traditional economic and social functions. Many parties were caught by surprise at the rapidity of the changes that reached the top echelons of regimes as well as by the holistic nature of the social movements that combine social, economic and normative demands. The social sciences need to interrogate the relationships between older and emergent social movements, especially in terms of their understandings and strategies of: the dynamics of social change; political legitimacy of both regimes and oppositional movements; and the forms and practices of political representation. Also important to analyze are the wider and global contexts of these movements in terms of networks, funding, and power relations.
Theme 2: New/Old Political Orders
The uprisings in the Arab region, and the scramble to give meaning to them, have created both new geopolitical realities and new debates regarding the direction of the emerging regional political order(s). Following the apparent collapse of the old political order that had relied on Western-backed authoritarian states, non-state and transnational actors and networks--ranging from protestors and emergent social movements in cities like Cairo, Manama and Sana’a, to Hizbullah and other members of the "Resistance Axis," to the Islamist and Salafist movements across the region, to regional security organizations such as the Gulf Cooperation Council—have become increasingly influential players.
For more information on the Arab Council for the Social Sciences, click here.
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For the program of the inaugural conference, see the following schedule:
All tweets from the conference can be accessed HERE
يسر المجلس العربي للعلوم الاجتماعية أن يعلن عن توفير ترجمة لجميع التغريدات التي صدرت أثناء المؤتمر التأسيسي. اضعط هنا